la kua leve Foto Tone Iren Eggen Tømte

Døla cow. Photo: Tone Iren Eggen Tømte / Maihaugen

Save the cow!

14. June

28. January

All day

An exhibition about endangered farm animals.

Did you know that many Norwegian livestock breeds were endangered?

In the exhibition Save the cow! you’ll get to know the native heritage breeds that are a part of our museum, such as Døla cattle, Døle horse, Old Norwegian short tail landrace and Norwegian milk goat, and why their preservation is important.

Maybe you’ll spot them grazing outside this summer?

For the entire family

Through engaging activities and content, the entire family can learn about animal husbandry, genetic diversity, food and sustainability in a brand-new exhibition.

Are you able to harness the working horse or find the right name for the cows? And why was it that the three billy goats Gruff went to the meadow?


Old Norwegian short tail landrace. Photo: Tone Iren Eggen Tømte / Maihaugen

Norwegian milk goat. Photo: Tone Iren Eggen Tømte / Maihaugen

The Døla horse Rosa at Maihaugen. Photo: Tone Iren Eggen Tømte / Maihaugen

The relationship between livestock and humans

Livestock are domesticated animals that we humans make use of. For instance, in production of milk, meat and wool, breeding or animal traction. 100 years ago, you’d have relatively few of each animal on the farm, and the contact between man and animal was close.

The milk maid knew the cows temper and way of being, and the horse was a well-respected “co-worker” in the farm operation.

Photo: Jørgen Dobloug / Maihaugen

Photo: Jørgen Dobloug / Maihaugen


In 1990, 17 of 24 Norwegian livestock breeds were either critically threatened or with an unknown status. Ongoing conservation work these last 30 years has aimed to preserve genetic material and ensure diversity among native Norwegian livestock.

Maihaugen has been a key partner in this work and possesses first-hand knowledge within this field through our museum farmers.