Previous exhibitions

Archive of exhibitions the last years.

15 December–3 March

Norwegian basketry traditions

Exhibition by basketmaker Hege Iren Aasdal.
Korgutstilling, foto: Catrine Kildemo

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2023

Decorated by Sofia Vusir Jansson.
Sofia Vusir Jansson og juletreet
August 24 2022–April 9 2023

A Transylvanian Puzzle

Manuscript fragments and restoring of books.
Et transilvansk puslespill_Fig 72
25 November 2022–11 January 2023

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2022

Decorated by jewelry artist Anna Talbot.
Anna Talbot foto Camilla Damgård
23 January–16 August 2022

A world of beads

Beads around the world.
perler1_Hill-Aina Steffenach
26 November 2021–9 January 2022

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2021

Decorated by Ulla-Mari Brantenberg.
teaser_juletrepynt_Ulla-Mari Brantenberg_2021_Damgård
15 December–3 March

Norwegian basketry traditions

Exhibition by basketmaker Hege Iren Aasdal.
Korgutstilling, foto: Catrine Kildemo
Exhibition 14 June –28 January

Save the cow!

An exhibition about endangered farm animals.
la kua leve Foto Tone Iren Eggen Tømte
28 Nov 2020 – 10 Jan 2021

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2020

Decorated by jewelry artist Sigurd Bronger.
16 June 2020 – 3 January 2021

Hytta – four walls around a dream

The cabin's role in Norwegian families.
Myklebu_Audbjørn Rønning
29 Nov 2019 – 13 Jan 2020

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2019

31 March – 24 Nov. 2019

Letters from the front – Dear Mother

Toppbilde "Brev fra fronten - kjære mor"
11. Aug 2015 until 1 Sept. 2019

Folk Art in Gudbrandsdalen


Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2023

Decorated by Sofia Vusir Jansson.
Sofia Vusir Jansson og juletreet
16 Dec 2018 – 3 March 2019

Inger Holbø: The town – The valley – Maihaugen

30 Nov 2018 – 13 Jan 2019

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2018

18 March – 4 Nov 2018


22 April – 6 Sept 2018

Photographer H. H. Lie


Masterpieces in miniature

Toppbilde Mesterstykker i miniatyr
1 Dec 2018 – 7 Jan 2019

Maihaugen's Christmas tree 2017

22 April – 6 Sept 2017

Norwegian Art on Postage Stamps

22 Jan – 31 Oct 2017


25 Nov 2016 – 6 Jan 2017

Maihaugen's Christmas tree

24 April – 9 Oct. 2016



Norwegian stamps – the outdoor pursuits in miniature

Summer 2015 and 2016

Coming back home to the 20th century

26 May to 20 October

STEINLEN: Paris–Aulestad RT

The summer when T. A. Steinlen visited Aulestad.
Steinlen. Foto: Ann Kristin Eggen/Maihaugen
Exhibition 17 June–15 August

The Weidemann painting Mai

See Weidemann's largest art work in Maihaugsalen.
Jakob Weidemann, Mai, 1967_utsnitt_ Maihaugen Foto Camilla Damgård