jul apotekerleiligheten maihaugen Foto Tone Iren Eggen Tømte
Photo: Tone Iren Eggen Tømte / Maihaugen

Christmas in historical houses

2 December–14 January

All day

Look through the door into Christmas decorated homes from different eras.

All of December you may have a peek through the door to Christmas-decorated homes in the open air-museum. There is no one at home, but you get the impression that they are only out for a moment.

  • The open-hearth house from Tolstad. Christmas in the Middle Ages.
  • Mytting. Christmas in the 1780s.
  • The Parsonage. Christmas in the 1780s.
  • Holøstua, Øygarden. Christmas in the 1890s.
  • The Pharmacist's Apartment. Christmas at the pharmacist's family in the 1890s.
  • Hage. Christmas in The Town in the year 1918.
  • The 1920s house. Christmas at Miss Johanne Lunde's in the 1920s.
  • The 1940s house. Christmas preparations after World War II in 1945.
  • The 1950s house. Christmas in the 1950s.
  • Queen Sonja's childhood home. Look in through the windows at the veranda and see the living room decorated for Christmas around the year 1960.
  • The cabin Vy. Peek through the window and have a look at a modern cabin Christmas in 2019.

Maihaugen's Christmas street is decorated with garlands made of spruce, and the lights of the Christmas tree on the square are lit.