Foto: Camilla Damgård/Maihaugen
The Fishermen's chapel
A historic log building with Catholic origins
The Fishermen’s Chapel at Maihaugen is one of the museum’s most unique buildings, an old log structure with deep roots in Norwegian fishing culture and Catholic traditions. The chapel is an important symbol of Norway’s religious heritage, particularly linked to fishermen who sought protection and blessings for their journeys at sea.
The building is a beautiful example of traditional log construction, well-preserved with many of its original details. Inside, visitors can experience a simple yet atmospheric interior, featuring Catholic symbols and relics that reflect the importance of religion in the lives of fishermen.
Today, the Fishemern's chapel is part of Maihaugen's open-air museum, where it stands as an exhibition illustrating the connection between religion and everyday life in earlier times. Visitors can enter the chapel to experience the historical atmosphere and learn about the influence of the Catholic Church in Norway before the Reformation.